Financial Academy organizes the 1st Private Equity Forum in Greece in order to bridge three categories of parties:
- Investors (private equity from Greece and abroad) seeking viable and competitive business models,
- entrepreneurs who are looking for strategic partnerships and investment funds,
- the state which is responsible to create a viable and competitive "development platform" of the Greek economy in the global arena by promoting openness, creativity, innovation and productivity growth.
The conference, entitled "Turning crisis into an opportunity for Greece" will try to highlight the tremendous opportunities that exist for Greece, particular during the crisis period.
The prevailing pessimism and suggested by several media in Greece and abroad creates the nature of a negative environment. However, there are tremendous opportunities that exist not only for established businessmen but also for young entrepreneurs in the current period.
The conference is primarily aimed not only to create an environment of positive messages but also to guide stakeholders in the right direction for their business activities.
Through panels and presentations of important speakers from Greece and from abroad, you will have the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the industry of private equities, investment opportunities and the current trends in the Private Equity Funds industry.
Some of the topics that will be discussed in the panels are:
- The Private Equity industry before and after the crisis.
- How can the Private Equity Funds help to develop the country?
- Criteria for Private Placements. Investments in small startups with high risk or "mature" companies?
- Geographic Investment Trends in the wider region of Southern Europe
- What kind of research leads to innovation and in which industries in the world?
- Investment Models and new business in the Greek market.
- Problems and Opportunities for growth start ups.
- The Political Context and the New Development Platform
- What is the government's plan for a sustainable development platform?
- What is the role of banks in the new development platform?